Well, hey Peeps!
For those of you who may not know I have been fighting with this blog for quite a while. I am so computer/technology challeneged that I should probably be embarssed! But, I'm not. I'll adventually figure it out and I figured that bringing you all along for the ride would make it that much more fun!
So what can you expect to find around here? I'll tell you. I will post reviews for mostly Young adult paranormal/fantasy books but I do not limit myself to just those genres. I don't much care for limiting myself at all.
Disclosure: This blogger/reviewer reserves the right to do whatver I feel like doing. LOL.
I also enjoy writng movie reviews. You can check them out on here as well. I look forward to talking about the latest and greatest (and maybe not so great) movies.
Another great thing about this blog? Contests and FREE giveaways! I already have a few books in mind and lined up for you guys to win. So please, tell your friends to stop on by, the more followers I can get the more stuff I'll give away!
Disclosure: This blogger/reviewer may make you do some wacky stuff to get above mentioned FREE stuff.
I also may have some blogging friends stopping by to join the party! The more the merrier!
In additon to my book and movie reviews you will be able to find posts such as "The way I see it" where I will blab on about the way I see things. For example: Why flys have no souls, my list of Iron clad rules when writing about werewolves. (That's right people there are rules!!) and anythng else that may pop into my head on any given day.
As I have metioned before, this blogging world is new to me so if any of you can think of something you want to see or hear about, let me know!! I've never turned up my nose at suggestions and I am not about to start now! I will ask that you all try and be patient as I try to figure things out but I can guarantee that watching me try and figure things out will probably be hilarious. :)
Disclosure: This blogger/reviewer will have fun and so will you.
Things you will not find on this blog:
*Correct Puncutation and Grammar. (I may write but I have an editor, people - so don't be offended when my use of the comma is seriously messed up.)
*Chickens. EWWW gross. Need I say more?
*Bad language or negativity (I do reserve the right to be inapproriate, but always in a good way) :)
*Perfection - While sometimes I like to think otherwise--I am not perfect. And I probably won't ever be. But you can laugh while I try to be.
So that's it! Welcome to The Unlocked Diary. I have Unlocked the door to my brain....and now there is no telling what's going to come out!!
Romantically Ever After Tour
5 years ago
WOO HOO!!! You got it going, girl!! WORK IT!! :)